What’s On at Toton Methodist Church

  • 11am-12noon - Language Café

    11am-3pm - Warm Space (open to all)

    12noon - Lunch

  • 9am - Breakfast and a Stroll

    All new parents/carers are welcome to join us. Pre-school age siblings are also welcome. Please note we are currently taking a break for winter and will be back in March.

  • 2.15-3.30pm - Thursday Fellowship (2nd and 4th weeks of the month). Speaker, refreshments and the opportunity to meet with others.

  • 1st Saturday of the month, 10-11.30am - Foodbank Collection & Open Church. With hot drinks and toasted teacakes available in church.

What’s On at St Peter’s

  • 10am-12noon - Renew Wellbeing Cafe

  • 5-7pm - Renew Wellbeing Cafe

    In October and November every year, we run Alpha. For more info, click here.

  • 8.30am - Holy Communion (1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th Sundays)/Morning Prayer (2nd Sunday)

    10.30am - Morning Worship (1st, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays), with Holy Communion on the 2nd Sunday

    4pm on the 3rd Sunday - A service for all ages, with informal worship followed by group discussion

    4pm weekly (term-time) - illumin8 - An opportunity for Year 7-13s to spend time together exploring the Bible (and eating donuts!)

  • Once a month at St Peter’s - click here for more details.