Sunday Zone

On the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays at St Peter’s we have Sunday Zone for Under 11s. This is a fun opportunity to come together to learn about the Bible and what it means for us in our lives. Sunday Zone happens during our 10.30am service, so please do come as a family, and the adults can stay in church!

At Toton Methodist Church, families and children are welcome to worship together at all of our morning services. We run activities in the main hall based on the Bible passages that are being preached on and we have toys for our youngest children. On the 2nd Sunday of the month we have Muddy Church and adults can choose whether to join their children outside or stay in church. The 5th Sunday is a joint service with St Peter’s and alternates between the two buildings.


illumin8 runs at St Peter's on the 2nd and 4th and 5th Sundays of each month, for all young people in Year 7 and above. We have illumin8 Mornings at our 10.30am service and Illumin8 afternoons at 4pm-5.30pm.

illumin8 Mornings run for Year 7s-13s, during our 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays at St Peter’s. We follow a Bible series to learn more about God's love for us, to pray together and have an opportunity to ask questions too! We often have hot chocolate and space to chill out during the service.

illumin8 Afternoons run during term-time at 4pm-5.30pm every other week. If you’re in Years 7-13 then you’d be more than welcome to join us for games, conversation about Jesus, donuts and fizzy drinks! At the moment we are following 'Life Revealed' which is a video series through Luke and Acts.

If you're in Year 6, get in touch with us as we bring our Year 6s up to illumin8 before they join Year 7. This is dependent on the young person, so we can have a chat about when is best for them to move up. 

Contact for more info and to have a conversation about illumin8!

Holiday Zone

During the summer holiday, each year we hold a holiday club for children aged 11 and under. Children aged 5-11 are invited to St Peter’s for 2.5 hours of fun each day! Children under 5 are invited to a stay and play session at Toton Methodist Church for 2 hours.

Watch this space for information about Holiday Zone 2025!