Mission Partners
The vision of Toton Churches is “Seeing lives transformed through faith in Christ”. To that end, we support the following charities and causes.
As well as regular financial support and donations of food and practical gifts, Toton Churches encourages prayer for these organisations so that we may fulfil Jesus’ instruction to His followers to “make disciples of all nations”.
Hope Nottingham and Canaan Trust, two local ministries offering relief and advice to those in need. The churches help with regular donations of food and money as well as practical skills.
The Church Pastoral Aid Society, which works to develop Christian leaders, supporting local churches and running holidays for young people, as well as assisting in the appointment of evangelical clergy.
The Children’s Society, which aims to bring hope to young people and is remembered particularly at Christmas with the proceeds of offerings from the Christmas services and events.
Church Mission Society, whose motto is “Sharing Jesus, changing lives”, aiming to see communities and society transformed as new disciples participate in the life and work of Jesus in our world.
Tear Fund, working with local churches and organisations across the world, responding to disasters and challenging injustice to relieve poverty and suffering.
The Leprosy Mission, a global organisation leading the fight against leprosy.
Action for Children, helping children and families facing poverty and hardship across the UK.
Methodist Home Missions, enabling people to “live well in later life”.
World Mission, supporting partner Methodist churches and organisations around the world in ministry and practical work.