Giving to the Work of the Church
We believe that how we use the resources we are given should reflect our Christian values and the abundant generosity of our God.
Christians throughout history have given financially, as well as giving their time and talents, to support and advance the work of the Church. Today, we welcome and encourage all who read this to consider prayerfully the ways in which God is calling them to do the same.
The work of Toton Churches is only possible because of the generosity of our supporters. Whatever you are able to give, on behalf of both of our Churches, thank you.
Please note: Toton Churches is a partnership between St Peter’s Anglican Church and Toton Methodist Church. The Churches are separate entities with their own finances. The information below relates to St Peter’s. For details of how to support Toton Methodist Church, email or contact the Church Office on 0115 9462357.
Regular Giving to St Peter’s
Prayerful, planned, proportionate giving is the most effective way to make a difference to our Church on a daily basis. Please consider whether you can commit to making a regular gift by Standing Order directly from your bank account.
You can download a Standing Order form here.
Or, if you bank online, please use the account details below:
· Account name: ST PETERS PCC
· Sort Code: 60-13-23
· Account Number: 90237706
One-off Gifts: If you want to make a single donation, you can use the account details above to do so by bank transfer. Alternatively, you can click the button below to make a card payment to St Peter’s Church through the “Stewardship” platform.
Are you a UK taxpayer? Please download a Gift Aid Declaration here, which can add 25% to the value of your donation at no cost to yourself.
Gift Aid
Legacy Giving
Gifts in Wills can transform a Church. If you have already provided for your loved ones in your Will, please consider leaving a gift to St Peter’s.
Every legacy gift to St Peter’s is deeply appreciated. We are developing a Legacy Policy which will be added to this website shortly.
You can find guidance on the issues around making a Will at
We would strongly recommend anyone considering making a Will to speak to a solicitor, to ensure your wishes are carried out.
For solicitors and Will writers, we set out below our preferred wording for legacies:
“I give [ ___% of my residuary estate][ the sum of £_____ ] free of all taxes to THE PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL OF THE ECCLESIASTICAL PARISH OF ST PETER'S, TOTON (registered charity number 1136356) in the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham for its general purposes, and I declare that the receipt of an officer of the Parochial Church Council shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors and trustees.”
If you have questions about leaving a gift in your Will, or if you are an Executor and want to tell us about a gift, please email